Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Part 2/2



Unfortunately, and after having failed to find a suitable tire, first at two sites in or near Brennero, and then BMW Innsbruck, Nicola had to quit and limp back home slowly. As for the rest of us, since the day was going quite fast already, we had lunch at an Austrian Autogrill and then proceeded mostly through Autobahns to Sulzfeld am Main.




We managed to find the Hotel/Restaurant quite quickly, but always in a late "Italian" fashion (read: arrived around 8:30pm!) and found everybody else already having drunk at least one beer each! However, we quickly acclimatised ourselves and caught up with them. The bratwurst was very long, one meter, to be exact, and fabulously tasting, too!

Next morning we set on leaving for our final blast on mostly Autobahn's again, towards Zwartluis and EP9.

Thursday July 1, we left for Zwartluis...
To the start of the trip