whatever I do here, I do on my own motorcycle and I take responsibility for it, my own motorcycle!
If you decide to do something along these lines and break/disarm/annihilate/exterminate your motorcycle, it's totally your own responsibility!
So, as clearly as this can be said: I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE for your damages!!!!
How to make a HES Tester!
Quite easy enough!
Just follow these instructions. They are NOT MINE but I used these and I made it. The link will open a PDF file in a new tab. File size is 275 kb.
In fact, three years ago my -then- 19 years old HES quit. So, I ordered a new one from Ebay (it came via Cyprusat 125 euros), but in the meantime, I stripped my old one, only to find that the cables were indeed burnt due to the temps they have tried to survive in there! I fixed it with normal cables and wanted to see if it still works.
My old HES on the right... New one on the left! Notice the box with cables and everything, still under construction when the photo was taken.
Time to test. Just plugging it both LEDs are on.
Passing a blade through each sensor, the LEDs will light, one for each sensor.
So... it works!!!
Total cost of parts was about 5 euros including battery and box! Time consumed was about 20 minutes!