Hello from Scott in Boise Idaho,
I went riding this Monday with Jim, a friend of mine (who also lives here in Boise). He has a 2001 Honda CR500. It is a real brute!!! What a monster motor, and hand full to control in the hills. He is a pretty good rider also, so we keep each other challenged when we hit the trails. Since there was a little snow in my usual riding place, we took a trip 80 miles south east of Boise, called Paradise Valley. It is mostly sagebrush, and sand washes. The whole valley is a huge, ancient, river wash. Round river rock, deep sand, and shale. Here is a picture of me going up one of the hill climbs we found on our ride. It doesn't look that steep, but it's really difficult, because you have to be in fourth gear with the throttle pinned to get through the deep sand. Huge Monster Roosts!!! Lot's of fun!

There's a jump towards the top, that is tricky, because the loose sand and rocks have zapped all of your speed, and forward momentum and if you hit it incorrectly... you are ((bailing)) And have to go all the way down to the bottom and try it again.
About you putting a picture of me on your web site... I would be honored. I can tell from your web site that you and your family, are really friendly, trusting, and honest people. I only hope I can tackle my web site with as much effort, and enthusiasm. Thank you for asking too. It really would be a honor, and is kind of neat to know that here we are thousands of miles away... and share a common bond.
I traveled to and was stationed in England, Ireland, France, Holland, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia (Three times), Turkey, and the Pacific Island of Guam. The one thing that struck me the most while traveling around to all of these Countries, and getting to meet all these different people... is that the world isn't the small place I once thought it was. That people, and their lives aren't so different from mine, after all. That no matter how different their culture is to me, and how open, or oppressed the people are... there can always be a common bond found. It kind of helps me sleep better at night knowing that somewhere... across this planet... there is someone dreaming about their next dirtbiking adventure, their next big ride, or what they're going to do, or where they're going to party on a Friday Night. Or... ((what they're going to put on their web site)). Just think how close the internet has made people - internationally? How AWESOME is that?
(( Enough of the deep thought))...
I am blabbing on and on... I tend to do that some times.
I'll send you some pic's of my new Trail Tech Endurance computer, after I get it installed on my KTM. I ended up getting their billet Aluminum mount for it. It was really cheap... (only Fifty US dollars). It looks really clean, well built, and should protect the unit if I dump my bike on accident. Well worth it in my book... ((and plus... it looks really cool))

On the truck issue... Maybe if you explain all of the benefits that a nice shinny new truck would have to your wife... like being able to tow a nice camping trailer, for her and the kids to sleep in... in comfort, on those cold family outings in the hills... being able to haul all the bikes, and maybe a nice speed boat too??? , Ahh??? Maybe she'll let you have her permission to go out and get one. If all else fails... Begging, flowers, and nice jewelry always seams to work in a pinch. (Ha!)
I have to be honest... My truck is mostly for play. I do a lot of Hunting and Camping with my Father, Mother, and friends up in the Mountains, so a truck with 4-wheel drive was a must have item for me... but, I also wanted a nice vehicle with electric everything... CD Player, and a super smooth ride, so after looking them all over and test driving them, I finally purchased the GMC Sierra. (American Company - General Motors, but GMC is made in Canada). Hmmm. It is very similar to the Chevy Silverado made in the US, but a little bit plusher, some very minor changes, and unfortunately for the American Auto workers... The Canadian models have a little bit better build quality. ((Sorry ol' USA.))
This is a picture of my truck last October while I was Elk hunting in Stanley Idaho.
My Dad got a huge 700 pound ((plus)) elk. Really lean compared to Beef.
It was really nice talking with you again. Tell your wife, and Kids that Scott in the US says Hello, and that he said that "Dad really needs a nice new luxury truck" to haul their toys. ((Big smile))
Talk to you later