The First 1998 Greek Netgammon players Meeting!

As the Greek custom is, every home, on January 1st of each year have their "New Year" cake cut. The custom goes like this: The father of the family, first makes the sign of the cross on the cake, then cuts it to pieces. Not as simple as that though! The first piece belongs to Christ, the second to the home, the third to the father and then each member of the family get their own piece.

So... DT along with L_M, who organized this meeting, took care that the cake was cut accordingly:
First piece goes to Christ, second to GOTO, third to our friend, Xavier, the sysop of NG! The rest were given to the players present!

Somewhere in the undreside of the cake a golden talisman (in our case a 50 drs coin!) is put by the one who makes the cake! This one will bring luck to the one in whose piece of the cake will be found. Just to make sure it would do so, this year, the talisman represented a one Year Subscription to Netgammon!

So... who was the lucky one?!!!!!! Read on!
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