Before you start reading this story... the VeryVeryBad things that happened at the Summer2000ride... you should first be aware of who we were, where we went, and what we did... then and only then it will make some sense :)
So please click on this link first... and after you read the whole story, there's a link that will bring you right here, on the last page of that story!
This is what happened, behind the scenes...
Some of the stories are good, some are bad... some are VERY VERY BAD!!!!
Read on!
So... there we were, me, Zozzo and Duner, drinking our greek wine, greek cheese and ouzo, in Zozzo's home, my very first night in Italy, and we hear this sound... plop-plop-plop... something flying INSIDE the house!
What was it?! A small cute BAT! hehehe! After we caught it, alive, we set it free out the window :-)
The next evening, in Novalesa, we had a wonderful dinner! As you can see, we had lots of wine, and lots of Grappa, afterwards. If you wonder what Danny is telling to Paul and Kate, who seem to listen to him VERY CAREFULLY, it was the then famous "Lula-Ballula" joke! (Nooooo! I'm not telling this in... public! hehehe!)
While we were at the Fort de S. Carlo in Fenestrelle, we saw these guys dressed in some old era suits doing the guard change. Of course, we didnt watch that long, since we had some Olio Picante and olives to eat... so we duly did the picnic (dont forget to come back here, huh?!)
but... there's a little more here!