Counter started on July 10, 2003:

The Greek Adventure to EP8 2003!!!
(Links of other EP8 pics at the end of this page)

Passo dello Stel(v)io!!!!!!!!!

In really few words this is what happened to the new-to-EP Greeks! Pol and me had quite an adventure during our 10-day absence from home... Total for the trip: 3839 km.
The pics in the above pages are quite small in size. However, I took the pics in 1024x768, plus a few small videos. If you wish to have the cd for free, just email me a home or work address so I can send them. It's 176mb of stuff! (Oh, and dont forget to send YOURS!)!!!

Happy EP9 in Holland, 2004!
(Updated 08/08/2003)

Georg Schaaf's very nice pics of EP8!

Marc Wandschneider's pics of EP8, at

Riky and Elena's lovely pics!!!!

Pascal's BIG BIG photos! 56mb worth of them at:

Ingrid's lovely pics: at

Lennart Jansson's very cool pics: at his own place

Gina's pics: Part I, mostly pics of their Europe trip, with a few EP8 pics
Part II: Strictly EP8 pics here!
September 28, 2003: Update. How the bike fared in all this, and how it feels afterwards.
Oh... and I have PROOF that we did all those passes. (Sustenpass sticker is missing... Anyone can send?! Please?!)