Portable Hair Salon/hair Dryer

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Since 12-volt hair dryers are quite rare, we readied for you a patented system, so you can wash your hair everywhere in the world you wish to do so, while your better half can have that hair salon fresh look.

What we need: An old helmet, sized XXL, an old dirt-bike's fork gaiter, 20cm of pipe and two collars.

Construction: We make a big hole in the back of the helmet, not right at the top, but a little lower. We cut the pipe in half, and insert the one part into the hole in the helmet. We adapt the fork gaiter to it, and on the other end of the gaiter we adapt the other half of the pipe.

Use: After washing our head, we put on the helmet, we connect the pipe to our bike's exhaust (preferrably a 4-into-one open system), start the bike, and we choose the drying R.P.M. For a typical Japanese 4-cylinder they are:
 3000 rpm (Low position for almost bald people).
 6000 rpm (Medium, short hair, no dandruff).
 9000 rpm (High, long haired guys).
11000 rpm (Extra High, freaks, rasta).

Disclaimer: Two-stroke bikes' exhaust are not recommended for oily types of hair.