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It's been three times so far!

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One Monday afternoon, my friend Minotaur was travelling at a normal pace, on one B-road in Kifissia, Athens, when a brand-new Peugeot 106 hopped in his way from a junction, just 20-30 meters ahead of him!

What had happened? The other driver was too young... In fact that same day he just got his driver's license! It seems he was waiting at the stop sign for too long, while holding the car with the clutch and throttle half engaged! Some time his feet could no more stand the stress so they slipped! The Peugeot hopped one or two meters ahead, in Minotaur's way and stopped right there!

Both drivers came out of this incident with no serious damage at all. Minotaur suffered a minor scratch on his left knee (see the photo of the interior!), while the other driver did not hit anything in the car, but came out completely shocked...

One final note: The next day, when I visited my friend at home, I noticed he was wearing a torn jean (You guessed it : At the left knee!). I asked: "How come?" He replied: "I bought this expensive jean just yesterday! So, I have to wear it at least for two days!"

back home....
more horror stories...