Sporting VS Camry = 1-0!!!
From Mr. Robert Kittel
Currently owner of Seicento sporting sligthly tuned
To your crash-storys: I'm a firefighter in Austria and we do car
accidants also. Before my new Seicento I owned a Cinquecento, which had
about 70HP and was raced quite successfully at slaloms (2nd in class
only beaten by a 101HP Novitec and 10th overall, with a BMW M5, several
GTIs a.s.o behind me in 1997). When I got the Cinquecento new we were
alarmed to a car accident with a person not beeing able to come out of
the car (sorry for my english!). I arrived first with my technical
rescue fire engine seeing a yellow Cinquecento sporting just like mine
standing around. "Fine," I thought, "now you have to cut your first
Cinquecento with the hydraulic rescue kit to pieces". In that time I had
no great meaning about saftey of small cars like my cinquecento, in the
sense of, better not to have accidants with it. Well, I steered my fire
car nearer, and then I saw the "accidant partner". It was a Toyota
Camry!!! Lying on the roof! And the person to cut out and rescue was not
in the Cinquecento - it was the driver of the Camry - you must imagine
that: this tiny small car turned a japanese rice plate as we call them
in Austria, which weigths more than the double of the fiat around. The
girl in the Cinquecento, I have to say, was not harmed in any way, the
car looks quite good, only the front was crushed about 5 cm, and the
airbag was open. The Toyota was ripe for the junkyard, not possible to
repair. I do about 300 rescues a year, but this was in the last 3 years
the only Cinquecento (and it was not the fault of the girl driver) I
meet. So this fact speaks much more for the saftey of our cars -
avoiding accidants with the good driving manners of this cars, is the
best way. Besides, in the same time, I had to rescue 4 S-Class Mercedes,
so it seems, that the Cinquecento is the better...
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