Tovena to Venezia (120km)

We arrived very late in the night at Tovena, and had everyone worry about us! Janine even called my home worried that we had not arrived yet! Finally, we arrived at around 11pm (Sorry Janine and guests!) had a delicious dinner and went to bed full of tiredness!

This being the last night of our trip, we had decided to get ot bed as early as possible, get up quite early as well and leave for Venezia. Our ship was to leave at 14.00pm. Venezia is around 90km south of Tovena, but first we had to do Passo san Boldo (see next page, for that one!)

Il Giardino Segreto, from the inside.

What best than an early rising, then some Greek Frappe and some reading of Greek moto magazines (I carried these all along in my tank bag!), and of course a... cig!


A rich breakfast. Leaving. Janine was very happy to see us... away!!!! :-) Thanks for the lovely hospitality, Janine!



Passo San Boldo! Definitely worth visiting!

Day 8: Igoumenitsa to Athens.

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